This brand-new add-on hugely increases both the size and diversity of the game world - there are innumerable, often unexpected challenges for the player. Nine completely new careers (character classes) allow the player unprecedented freedom in creating the ultimate Guild 2 dynasty: Mercenary, undertaker, mason, entertainer, innkeeper, banker, miller, fruit farm proprietor and more, and the game also includes a wholly re-worked Title system offering a brand-new gameplay element to the player - e.g. in order to reach the next title, you'll need to either supply your King with lansquenet mercenaries - or serve as an officer in a war yourself. * Additional scenarios set in ""The Alps"" and ""The free Republic of the Netherlands"" add detail to the world of ""The Guild 2"" * The player can decide between nine additional professions and thus decide which kinds of character to play. * The maps are up to four times the size of those in the original ""The Guild 2"" * War keeps breaking out in the new game world - you'll need to plan your tactics accordingly! * Various tasks, such as purchasing a new title or running for an office (or forcing someone to marry you), can now be performed without having to have the main character present, which will save players lots of time.